30 Dec 2020 COVID-19 Vaccination for Surrogates, Update for Intended Parents
Join Rich Vaughn of International Fertility Law Group, Dr. Said Daneshmand of the San Diego Fertility Center and Darlene Pinkerton of A Perfect Match surrogacy agency for a discussion on the latest guidance on COVID-19 vaccination during surrogacy, new vaccination and travel provisions in surrogacy agreements as well as an update on domestic and international surrogacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The one of a series of webinar discussions in which IFLG has participated on the impacts and challenges of surrogacy during the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis for intended parents, surrogates, donors and third-party matching programs, providing a forum for fertility lawyers, reproductive healthcare providers, surrogacy and donor agencies and non-profit advocacy organizations to share information about current conditions and issues of concern to our clients and stakeholders.
Tune in here for the March 22, 2020, discussion.
Tune in here for the March 27, 2020, discusison.
Tune in here for the April 13, 2020, discusison.
Find more information about the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on families, donors and surrogates HERE.