04 Mar 2010 Same Sex Marriage Legalized in Washington, D.C.
The D.C. Council approved same-sex marriage on an 11 to 2 vote Dec. 15, and Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) signed the bill into law soon after, saying that he hoped the District would provide a road map for gay rights activists in other jurisdictions, including possibly Maryland. Last week, Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) said the state would begin recognizing same-sex marriages from other places. The law took effect March 3, 2010
Bishop Harry Jackson, pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, is one of the leading opponents of the law. Jackson, has tried unsuccessfully to block the measure by seeking a public vote on same-sex marriage.
There is also some concern the celebrations could be cut short by Congress or the courts. Members of Congress could try to block the District from implementing the law through the appropriations process, and the D.C. Court of Appeals has not ruled on Jackson's efforts.
For the full story, visit The Washington Post online or click on the following link.