18 Nov 2020 COVID-19 TRAVEL UPDATE: for International Intended Parents
San Diego Fertility Center's Richard Westoby talks to IFLG's Rich Vaughn about updates in the process of traveling into the US from Europe during the time of COVID-19 pandemic.
Planning is STILL key. No one becomes a parent through assisted reproduction without lots of advance planning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still essential to plan your travel as far in advance as possible.
For intended parents, surrogates, donors and reproductive health professionals the COVID-19 pandemic has created a host of obstacles and complications that make the challenging road to parenthood via ART even more challenging. We hope you will take comfort in the knowledge that the virus has brought surrogacy professionals in the United States together as never before. You are not alone. We all are working together as a community, sharing answers, sharing resources, and sharing support.
If you are an intended parent needing to travel to, or from, the U.S., please contact the experienced fertility lawyers at IFLG for assistance and more information.
For more information and resources for intended parents, surrogates donors and 3rd-party matching programs coping during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, visit our multi-media library of COVID-19 information.