28 Apr 2020 Beijing COVID-19 Update from IFLG's Peiya Wang
In this fascinating video update, Beijing-based IFLG paralegal Peiya Wang talks about how the city is managing a return to day-to-day life, ongoing travel restrictions and mitigation measures, and her own daily life in a high-risk zone, and offers a video montage of the "new...
03 Apr 2020 Coronavirus COVID-19 Info for Intended Parents, Surrogates, Donors, 3rd Party Matching Programs
As the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads around the world and throughout the U.S., our professional community and policymakers, intended parents, donors, surrogates, third-party ART agencies, and the public in general are seeking advice regarding how those who are undergoing or planning infertility treatment should...
03 Apr 2020 COVID-19: Report from IFLG’s Beijing Office
Our Beijing-based IFLG team member, paralegal Peiya Wang, put together this fascinating report of how the COVID-19 epidemic has progressed in China, measures implemented to slow its spread, and how the population there is coping with the unexpected disruption to daily life....
21 Mar 2020 Is COVID-19 a Risk to Pregnancy, Surrogates and Newborns? NEW INFO
As the states of California and New York impose stringent shutdowns and concerns about travel restrictions and postponed procedures rise, intended parents and surrogates are also asking about potential health risks to pregnant surrogates and babies during the coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic. ...