03 Oct 2013 ABA ART Committee Invites Students, Attorneys to Get Involved
The American Bar Association Family Law Section ART Committee, of which I recently became chair, is always actively engaged in developing and producing high-quality continuing legal education and mentoring on assisted reproductive technology (ART) law topics and topics that cross over into other areas of family law, both domestically and internationally. We are open to and welcome all law students and attorneys interested in or actively practicing in these areas.
In addition to this, in the month since I was appointed, the committee has been working on updates to the ABA Model Act Governing Assisted Reproduction, a position paper regarding whether The Hague should regulate international surrogacy, and a position paper to the State Department on U.S. Citizenship issues for children born abroad via assisted reproduction to U.S. Citizen Intended Parents.
We are fortunate to be working in such a cutting edge area of the law (and technology) and lucky to have an extremely vibrant and active ABA attorney group!