20 Oct 2020 Fertility 101 - Surrogacy & IVF
Fertility lawyer Rich Vaughn of International Fertility Law Group discusses the legal objectives and arrangements involved with establishing Parental Rights when utilizing assisted reproductive technology as an option towards the dream of becoming parents. Contact IFLG to learn about how we help parents via IVF...
29 Sep 2020 Fatherhood for Gay Men Through Surrogacy Legal Musts and Must-Nots
Watch Rich Vaughn of International Fertility Law Group as he discusses the legal musts and must-nots during his participation in this informative webinar led by leading fertility specialist and advocate for LGBTQ families, Dr. John Norian, in which he discusses 'fatherhood for gay men through...
17 Mar 2015 Dolce & Gabbana Celebrate Mothers, But Only the ‘Right Kind’
It’s hard to imagine what Italian fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were thinking when they not only spoke out against gay adoption but spoke of the children born via assisted reproductive technology in the most hurtful and dehumanizing terms possible. You would think...
23 Dec 2014 Children Born Abroad via Surrogacy Entitled to Legal Parents, German Court Rules
In a landmark ruling released Dec. 19, Germany’s highest court essentially has paved the way for German intended parents via surrogacy to have their children recognized. Here is the best summary I have seen of the particulars of the ruling. In summary: The decision of the...
20 Dec 2014 Germany Recognizes Parentage of Babies Born Via Surrogacy Abroad
In a historic ruling today, Germany’s Supreme Court ruled that the government must recognize the children born via surrogacy in other countries as the legal offspring of German intended parents. In its ruling the high court stated that German authorities must respect the decisions of...
29 May 2014 Family Equality Council Grew With Number of LGBT Families
Family Equality Council’s recent gala event, Night at the Pier, in New York, NY, honored three individuals who have been leaders in advocating for the equality of 3 million LGBT parents....